Between careers, kids, and everything else life throws our way, sometimes we have to step back from our writing. Sometimes for months. Sometimes for years.

So, how do you get back into your writing after you’ve stepped away for an extended period of time? In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about strategies you can use to get back into the writing zone after a really long break.

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Episode at a glance:


[0:57]  My Long Absence Backstory

You’ll hear about my three-year absence during which I didn’t even glance at my WIPS and how the pandemic brought me back  to my pages, albeit very very rusty.

[3:25]  What to Do When You Feel Resistance

if you haven’t written for months, or even years, in some cases, for decades, you may be feeling some resistance, or even a lot of resistance. Or you may be feeling, oh gosh, how do I even start. You’ll learn how to to ease back into your writing. Because writing is a muscle, it requires practice. It’s no different than running a marathon. You don’t just get out there and run the marathon. You train, you build endurance. Writing is a rigorous practice.

[4:50]  Why I Always Ease Back Into Writing by Reading

Reading is a great jumpstart. And it primes your inspiration. Whether you hand out at your local library or Barnes and Noble, reading books you haven’t yet read. This is often the inspiration I need to return to my own work. If you have work from your past, or stories in progress, or even journal entries, go back to those. You’ll find fresh appreciation for work you’ve left on the back burner, and you’ll see it more objectively –  a great way to get back to it.

[7:07]  Start With Something Small

Don’t focus on the end result. Focus on starting.  Don’t set out to write a novel or a short story or a memoir. Or, as James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, says,   “Optimize for the starting line, not the finish line.”

Rather than lead with something extraordinary, or dramatic, or epic, lead with the ordinary. Learn how to find the extraordinary in the ordinary.

[11:42]  Mine Your Memories

Memories are a great starting point, because they have a lot of emotional charge. They’re potent, and they keep us connected and engaged as we’re writing. Learn how to find the story underneath the story by letting memories build upon more memories so you can find the common themes and patterns. Also learn how to bring concrete details to your memories, and  how to use research to flesh them out.

[16:21]  But What If You Don’t Feel Motivated?

Learn the myth of motivation and how to find yours.

[17:51]  How to Keep Your Writing Consistent

Decide where and when you’re going to write. So that you can be the architect of your time and environment, and set up systems to support your writing.

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