
When I ask writers what they’re struggling with, most say confidence. Confidence to get started. Confidence to keep going. Wondering if anyone will even like what they write. 

In this episode, I’m going to share 3 ways to shift your relationship to your work. So you can boost your confidence to write the story you’re burning to bring into the world.

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Episode at a glance:

[02:11] Process over product.

Often writers are writing what they think a reader wants, and then lose touch with the reason they felt compelled to write it in the first place.

[05:22] Why does this story matter to you?

What fascinates you about this story? Slow down there. When you slow down and probe a particular moment in your story, you learn more about who and what your story is about, and you write a more absorbing story.

[06:21] Clarity comes from engaging with your story, not simply writing what you think a reader would want. What they ultimately want is to connect with your characters. If you’re not connecting to your characters, they’re not going to get hooked and no matter how many plot twists you include.

[08:34] Set realistic goals.

Often when first starting out, goals are too big and vague as in, “Write a novel.” That’s a hard goal to shoot for. It puts a lot of pressure on you to produce, and this can be self defeating. Instead, chunk your book down to manageable goals. The point is not to write the book, it’s to master the habit of showing up consistently.

[10:48]  Follow your excitement.

Whenever you’re choosing which direction to take your story next, choose the one that holds the most excitement for you. This will lead to the path of least resistance that helps you flow through the writing effortlessly.

Click Here to Listen

Links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 158: A Different Approach To Writing First Drafts



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