
Ever feel like no matter how much time you spend on your plot, your story’s just not coming together? Or when you go to break down those plot beats, all you find are a lot of holes? And now you’re overthinking everything, wondering how your characters and scenes work within your plot.

  • Here are some common things that can derail a plot:
  • Too much action, or not enough;
  • The plot is overly complicated;
  • There’s no logical cause and effect; and
  • The ending doesn’t culminate in a way that feels simultaneously surprising and inevitable. 

In this episode I’m sharing  5 common plot problems you can avoid.

You’ll learn techniques to help you fix them or avoid them completely. This will help you know what’s relevant in your story, what you can cut, and what you can develop more deeply.

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Episode at a glance:


[02:19] Plot Problem 1. There’s no central concrete problem. Learn why honing in on one definable and central predicament helps you focus your story, and propel your character into action.

[08:46] Plot Problem 2. The problem introduced in your story’s beginning fizzles out and swings to another problem with no progression from the problem introduced in your opening. Learn how to make your core story problem progress with intensity, depth, and complication.

[13:33] Plot Problem 3. Your character isn’t forced to change. We’re all hardwired to avoid change, and your protagonist is no different. Until he’s forced to stare down his biggest fears and faulty beliefs.

[16:11] Plot Problem 4. No Cause and Effect.  It’s the consequences that arise from what you set up in sentence one.

[19:56] Plot Problems 5. Nothing’s at stake. Learn what we mean by stakes and why getting what your character wants not always all it’s cracked up to be.

Click Here to Listen

Also listen to:

Episode 69: How to Create Plot Continuity With Character Thought



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