Looking for great gift ideas for writers? Want to add one or two to your Christmas wish list?

In this episode, I’m sharing 10 great gifts that are perfect for writers.

Whether you want to add one or two of these to your own wishlist, or gift a fellow writing buddy, you’re sure to find something special in this episode.

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Gifts mentioned in this episode:

Aqua Notes

Why is that our best ideas often happen when we don’t have a pen and paper handy? For me, that typically happens in the shower or when I’m taking a nice soak in the tub. Aqua Notes are waterproof notepads that hang up on your shower wall.  So whenever an idea pops into your head while in the shower, you can just write it down on your Aqua Notes.

Moleskine Journal

I have a whole collection of soft cover moleskin journals. They’re simple, elegant, and durable.  They’re superior in the quality of the paper and  covers. They travel well, and will live on your bookshelves for years without wear and tear or broken spines.

The Full Focus Planner

This planner brings goal setting to a whole new level by breaking down your goals into 3 levels: You start with your annual and quarterly goals. Then at the beginning of each week, you determine your 3 biggest goals. Finally, you set your three most important daily tasks to accomplish your weekly goals.

Noise Canceling Headphones by Beats Studio Pro

I can be pulled out of focus very easily, especially with noise. And these headphones are great for cancelling out any ambient or household noise so that you can focus.

Cyxus Blue Light Computer Glasses

Staring at screens all day can create eye strain, headaches, and fatigue. These wireframe UV blocking computer glasses keep your peepers strong. These glasses absorb harmful blue light and release beneficial blue light. A must for those of us who are at our computer and phone screens hours on end.

Multitasky Transformable Vegan Leather Laptop Bag

A three-in-one laptop bag. Just slip your laptop into the leather sleeve and go. And when you get there, the bag transforms into an ergonomic laptop stand, complete with mouse pad. It even comes with a small pouch and cord organizer.


You know those days when you just want to write from bed? Whether you want to sit up with your laptop or lay down, this lap desk makes it oh so comfortable. It has a dual booster cushion base and wrist wrest. Plus a built in mousepad and holders for pens and  phone.

Magnetic Sentence Builder 

Word magnets for the fridge or whiteboard. The set comes with over 1100 magnetic words, punctuation, tiles, and even some blank tiles  you can write your own words on. With punctuation tiles, nouns, verbs, and more, it’s a complete set with everything you can imagine to play with words, build sentences, or create poetry.

Old Bookshop Soy Candle

My son surprised me with this last year. It really smells like old leather bound books in an old store, and it’s so soothing, I keep it burning on the desk in my office. And because it’s made of soy, you don’t breathe in all those toxins you get from regular paraffin wax. Better for the environment, better for you. And a soothing, yet invigorating writing companion.

The Storymatic Classic 

Creative writing prompts and story games. It’s a great thing to play solo, with your family, or with your writer friends. And a great antidote to writer’s block.

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