
You were super pumped when you began writing your story. You loved the challenge, the exhilaration.

But then comes the struggle, and now you’re not feeling the same excitement. The writing feels hard and heavy. And you’re not having any fun anymore.  

So what do you do when you’re not feeling motivated? How do you recapture the excitement you had when you first started? 

In this episode, I’m sharing 3 strategies to help you keep going the distance.

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Episode at a glance:


[2:35] There’s a natural cycle to the creative process. Sometimes you’re on fire, other times your brain feels like a dried up speck of dust. Knowing all the stages of creation and how they cycle through will help you get out of the slump when you fall into it.

[05:23] Keep moving forward despite feeling unmotivated. Inspiration and motivation isn’t something you start out with. It happens in the writing itself.

Learn how to stay accountable so that you don’t give in too easily when you’re not in the best mood to write.

[08:17] Take a break from the work. Sometimes stepping away from the work is all we need to feel excited again. Take a break as long as you need, but remember you’re not taking a break from your commitment to the work.

[10:07] Don’t surrender to self doubt. Sometimes writers think that writing should be easier for them. And that if it isn’t easy, it must mean they’re no good at it. Just know that the struggle is normal. And it’s not just normal, it’s necessary.

Click Here to Listen

Also listen to:

Episode 8: Five Ways To Improve Your Writing (That Have Nothing To Do With Writing)

Episode 15: How To Find Your Creative Flow




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