How do mothers balance writing with parenthood? Whether you’re a mom of young children, or a single parent balancing a full time job and a full brood, carving out space to write can feel challenging, if not impossible.

This episode is a love note to mothers.  I’ll share my story, along with what I’ve learned along the way about how to honor the urge to create while being totally present for our kids.

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Episode at a glance:


[01:10] The conundrum mothers face is finding the ideal time to write when they’re spinning multiple plates at once.

Do you wake up at 5 am and write while your kids are asleep? Or do you give up minor pleasures like Netflix and write at night? To quote something I heard years ago, “Women are supposed to work like they don’t have children and mother like they don’t work outside the home.”

[05:44] Hear about the book that helped expand the time I had to write, and the 7-day time log that will help you free up more time. Yes, you do have more time than you think.

[08:55] Find your ideal time to create.

We all have our creative peaks. For me, it’s early morning. For others, it’s after the kids have gone to bed. But what if you can’t write during your peak times? I’ve got you covered. Learn how other busy moms cranked out books.

[12:32] Create the conditions ahead of time.

We want to make writing a habit. So it helps to create ideal conditions so we can bring our A game to our writing. This can mean packing school lunches the night before, batch cooking enough dinner for a few nights of leftovers, and prioritizing sleep. You are your greatest creative asset. So self care is a must. Create the conditions ahead of time.

[16:18 ] Ask for support.

Learn how to ask specifically for what you need from your family and friends. Maybe you ask your spouse to take on childcare Saturdays mornings, or for a couple hours in the evening. Support can be a mother’s helper for a few hours. It can be another mom. Your family, your friends, and your kids will take your writing seriously, but only if you take it seriously first.

[20:02] Learn how to prioritize your writing without the guilt, and why fathers almost never struggle with this.

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Links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 11: How To Make Time To Write When You Have No Time

168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkam

Splendid Spoon ready-to-eat and nutrient-dense plant-based smoothies, soups, grain bowls, and noodles.


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