Great stories often start with a trigger. One persistent image, a childhood memory, a family story, or a phone conversation you overhear on the train ride to work.

In this episode, we’ll explore story triggers:  where they come from, how to tap into your own triggers, and select which ones are worthy of expanding into a story.

You’ll learn about the triggers that gave rise to stories and novels by Hemingway, John Fowles, Joan Didion, and Joyce Carol Oates.

And you’ll get exercises to help you spark your own powerful stories.

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Episode at a glance:

[02:08] What are story triggers and where do they come from?

[03:51]  Not all triggers have the potential to blossom into stories, but there are some characteristics to look for when deciding whether an idea is worth pursuing.

Learn how writers like Hemingway, Joan Didion and Joyce Carol Oates take a seed of an idea and run with it into full blown stories and novels.

[06:01] If your trigger springs from real life, beware of getting straitjacketed by reality. Learn how writers start with the seed of reality and then use their curiosity and imagination to create something surprising and new.

[08:24]  How do you open yourself to story worthy material? Learn two exercises to tap into what matters to you, and how to spark  your most potent stories.

[11:53] How do you keep yourself receptive to your best ideas? Learn the science behind movement to keep your creative channels open.

[14:05] Learn how to trust in the power of your own work, and what makes a story truly universal.

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