Writers have different approaches to story. Some write more about action. Others are more fascinated with a character’s inner life. The trick is to link your character’s interior story to the plot.

Both are approaches are valid. But when the inner and outer story isn’t integrated, the story is often static. There’s a symbiotic relationship to what happens in the story, and the emotional journey your character goes on.

The skill comes from connecting both.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to integrate your plot with your character’s interior. 

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Episode at a glance:


[00:43] Sometimes writers fall on either side of the spectrum: lots of change happens on the plot level, but the character doesn’t seem change at all. On the flip side, some writers spend most of the story in the character’s interior. And not much happens externally.

The trick is to integrate both the outer and inner story.

[04:48] Motive

Characters should be motivated, not by circumstances alone, but something less tangible.

[05:4] Inner need

The concrete thing your character wants to get is a manifestation of a deeper, as of yet, unmet inner need.

[07:34] Personal stakes

Personal stakes are what propel your character into action. It’s a more reliable way to move your character through the plot.

[08:08] How do you combine your inner and outer story? Whether you’re a plot-driven writer, or character driven, you’ll learn a simple way to combine both.

[09:56] How do you bring both inner and outer realms to your scenes? Learn how to combine external goals with the invisible emotional goals.

Click Here to Listen

Also Listen To:

Episode 69: How To Create Plot Continuity With Character Thought

Episode 181: Writing Emotions: 3 Ways To Move Readers


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