What are some ways you can support your writing and add fuel to your creative energy when you’re not writing? How can you come to the page, invigorated, inspired, in full-on flow?  On today’s episode of Writer Unleashed, I’ll give you 5 ways to improve your writing that have nothing to do with writing. 

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Big Takeaways


The link between joy and success [1:38]

Joy is not a mere luxury. It’s non-negotiable. Because when we’re aligned with what truly delights us, we’re in flow — that blissful feeling when time is irrelevant. When we lose ourselves and simultaneously connect on the deepest level to who we are. Even small things that align us with our pleasure centers have been scientifically proven to be vital, not only to our happiness but to our emotional and physical survival.

Nourish your body, fuel your creativity [4:27]

Our creative output is only as good as our input. The wrong foods cause stress in the body and stress in the mind, which leads to creative depletion.

Sleep [5:52]

Sleep makes everything better. It boosts our immune system, keeps us positive and able to take on daily stress with poise and grace.

Movement [10:41]

When we change our physiology, we change our minds. Movement gets our blood oxygenated and flowing, and loosens the neural pathways. It infuses us with endorphins and produces a healthy surge of creative energy.

Quiet your mind [11:26]

Take a mini-vacation from your mental chatter. Just pausing 10 minutes a day at your desk – connecting to your body, closing your eyes, tuning into the sounds around you, observing your breath – pays off in a calmer, steadier, more efficient, creative mind.


Shift Happens: How to Live an Inspired Life…Starting Right Now

Headspace Meditation

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