Have you ever thought, Writing should be easier for me than this?  I sure did. I didn’t know there was a craft to writing a novel. I thought talent and sheer  passion would see me through. And then I became a professional competitive dancer and learned that desire and talent were just the starter fuel. The truth is, writing is no easier than mastering any other art form. Talent is not enough. Technique on it’s own is not enough. So, what does it take to master the art of writing? In this episode, I share what I learned as a dancer about bringing heart and technique together, how to practice deliberately to bring your work closer to a publishable caliber, and why perfectionism is restricting you. 

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Here’s a glance at this episode:


[2:13] The truth about technique

Technique is not enough. But neither is raw talent. The trick is to find that sweet spot between writing with heart and writing with skill.

[4:09] Deliberate practice

How do the Rockettes synchronize all those dance moves? Well, first, they’ve been practicing for years. Since childhood. They train every day before stepping on stage. And then they rehearse relentlessly. Multiple pirouettes and leaps in mid-air is muscle memory. The same applies to writing. If you target the struggle, and build up your foundation, writing will be a joy, not a slog when you hit that inevitable roadblock. I can’t say it will make writing easier. But you’ll be able to navigate the challenges with more skill and grace.

[6:37] How to work with and through your resistance

Don’t use your resistance as a reason to stop. Rest, yes. But don’t give up. That fear you’re facing is always some version of, I suck. Acknowledge your struggle, give yourself support, and move on.

[7:37] You have to go through stupid to get to cool.

You’ll feel awkward and completely out of your depth. You’ll be swimming in your material without a canoe. Here’s the thing. You have to burn a lot of calories in making your story work so that the reader doesn’t have to burn too many calories reading your story. Once you get past the stupid part, your story and your writing will be elegant.

[13:44] Don’t compare yourself to your favorite writers

There’s no payoff there. Be the best you YOU can be right now. You’ll learn why perfectionism is the lowest standard there is and why in your quest to have the perfect story, you’re leaving your best work on the table.

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