Wish you had more time and energy to write? In this episode, I’ll share 3 tips for writing more and writing better by maximizing both time and energy. .
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Episode at a glance:
[02:10] Manage Distractions
Every time we hop on Facebook or Instagram or hear a text on our phone, we get a dopamine hit. It’s not social media that’s the distraction, it’s the dopamine. And social media is designed to hijack our minds. But we have total control of this. The bottom line, don’t let anyone or anything dictate how you spend your energy. You have the ultimate say.
[04:42] Expanding Time
Time may feel like a scarce resource, but there are two types of time. To use ancient Greece’s concept of time, there’s chronos time, which is chronological time, and kairos which is qualitative time. There are real limits to chronological time, but kariros time expands.You can get more done in kairos time because there’s the speed of implementation behind it.
[06:53] Strategies For Capturing Kairos Time
The late great David Lynch once said that he ate the same thing for lunch and dinner every day to eliminate decision fatigue so he had more creative space. The more orderly and routine your daily life is, the freer you are to create.
[10:12] Don’t Until You’re In The Mood
You probably won’t be in the mood every day. Most of the time, motivation comes after you start, not before. Starting is the best antidote to procrastination. Starting leads to action, action leads to momentum, and momentum leads to progress.
Links Mentioned In This Episode
Episode 11: How To Make More Time To Write When You Have No Time
Episode 201: How To Get More Writing Done In Less Time
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