How do you turn good writing into great writing?

With stories that engage, thrill, and surprise your reader.

That create drama right on the sentence level.

How do you keep readers hooked moment by moment?

In this episode, I’m sharing 3 little known techniques to turn good writing into great writing. 

These are techniques I learned from my MFA advisors and teachers — techniques you likely haven’t heard of…

Until now.

This episode will transform the way you write, and give your story an edge. 

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Episode at a glance:

[02:24]  1. But Constructions

This is one of the easiest and most fool proof ways to inject conflict right on the sentence level. Just add a but to any declarative sentence to introduce contrasts, juxtapositions, surprise, and reversals in reader expectation.

[08:23] 2. Split Moments

This is where the character is engaged in an action and pulls out from the moment at hand and looks at the story of his life. It’s a smart, seamless way to slip in essential character backstory.

[11:57] 3. Progressive Disburdenment

This is when an emotional burden or package of reality is put forth progressively over the course of the story, not put on fully in the middle or the end. It’s a great way to keep readers curious and leaning in sentence by sentence. 

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Links mentioned in this episode:

Douglas Glover

Abby Frucht

Jesus’ Son: Stories by Denis Johnson

Female Trouble: Stories by Antonya Nelson

Letting Loose The Hounds and Other Stories by Brady Udall



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Nanci Panuccio
3 simple techniques to turn good writing into great