When it comes to structuring your story, there’s no one-size-fits-all. Some writers wing it all the way, others craft meticulous outlines before they write. Both can produce stunning results.

But what’s often missing in the I’ll just wing it approach, and even in the most detailed outlines, are essential foundations that make the story work. That support your outline and make it super effective.

In this episode, we’ll explore 3 foundational elements to explore before you outline.

If you’re a panster, you’ll love the exploratory nature of these foundations. And if you’re a plotter, you’ll build a deeper, richer, stronger outline.

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Episode at a glance:

[01:01]  Some writers ride the momentum of an initial idea and see where it takes them. Others are comfortable creating a detailed outline before they write their story. So we have plotters who get down the bones of their story first. And then we have pantsers who have a more exploratory, discovery approach. And then we have writers who fall somewhere in between. They feel that writing an outline at the outset diminishes the pleasure of discovering the story along the way.

[03:08] There’s not one right way to do it.Learn the vastly different outlining methods of authors including Stephen King and J.K. Rowling. And why you need to find your own unique way.

[04:42] The pros and cons of outlining. Some of the obvious pros include seeing the big picture of your story, and helping you stay on track. But some cons to be aware of: writing a formulaic story and creating inauthentic characters who feel like props hitting all those plot points.

[06:51] Foundation1: Your Idea. Not just a vague idea, but a rich, compelling idea that can sustain a  story from beginning to end. You’ll clarify and expand your story idea  with what if questions, then start honing in on your protagonist, his/her situation, desire, and what’s keeping your protagonist from getting what he/she wants.

[10:02] Foundation 2. Setting. Where and when your story takes place can be just as important as character. Readers need to feel a sense of where things are happening just as much as they want to know why they’re happening.

[11:36] Foundation 3. Main Characters. Learn how to write character profiles, backstories,  and  Q&A’s so you can get to know all the characters who matter to your story and give them more depth and inevitability.

Click Here to Listen

Links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 99: How To Nail Down Your Story In 3 Simple Sentences

FREE Character Questionnaire

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